Sangjaan: Doctor Climax character explained

Sangjaan writes to Doctor Climax, whose advice turns Sangjaan’s life upside down. In Doctor Climax, Awat Ratanapintha plays Sangjaan.

Although Sangjaan comes from a regular middle-class family, he has known that he is different since the age of ten. 

When he was fifteen, he fell in love with a boy. Sangjaan is currently dating him, but he has not yet told anyone about their relationship.

The challenges of being true to oneself

Keeping his sexuality and relationship a secret bothers Sangjaan. Additionally, his parents arrange his marriage to a girl. 

Sangjaan decides to write to Doctor Climax and seek his advice. Sangjaan’s question becomes the first about homosexuality that Nat addresses. 

Nat believes that Sangjaan is lucky to have discovered his sexuality at a young age. In his reply, he assures him that it is not a disease. 

He advises Sangjaan to follow his heart, and Sangjaan does just that. He comes out in front of everyone at his birthday party.

Due to the misconception that AIDS predominantly affects gay men, homophobia rises. Like so many others, Sangjaan is not accepted by his family. 

The girl Sangjaan’s parents had arranged for him to marry rejects him. As a result, Sangjaan’s father beats him up and disowns him. 

Furthermore, his boyfriend hurts him to prove to his friends that he is not gay. Alone, broken, and with nowhere to go, Sangjaan writes to Doctor Climax again.

His letter shakes Nat’s confidence, and he starts doubting his ability to give advice, so he does not reply to Sangjaan. 

Doctor Climax Sangjaan
Sangjaan comes demanding answers from Doctor Climax

Sangjaan then goes to the newspaper office to demand answers from Doctor Climax. When he still does not get to meet him, Sangjaan pulls out a gun. 

Sangjaan intends to take his own life, but Nat stops him from shooting himself. Linda helps Nat by convincing Sangjaan to keep living. 

She explains to him that taking his life will not make anyone understand him; he must keep fighting to prove them wrong.

Sangjaan is then attacked by spectators who had gathered there and is arrested, as a stray bullet hits Pol. 

The incident helps Sangjaan realize that Doctor Climax is not to blame for his suffering; it is the fear and ignorance of people like his father.

Nat visits Sangjaan in prison. He admits to being Doctor Climax and gives Sangjaan a letter. He also apologizes for not replying to his second letter. 

Nat’s letter comforts Sangjaan, giving him hope that the world will become more accepting. Nat asks him to hold on long enough to see that change. 

Sangjaan, shunned by everyone for being true to himself, breaks down when he reads Nat’s comforting letter.

Sangjaan’s story ends on a hopeful note, as Pol tells the police that Sangjaan did not shoot him. Pol claims he shot himself accidentally to get Sangjaan released.

Also Read: Pornchai: Doctor Climax character explained

Muskan Chhatwani
Muskan Chhatwani
Muskan is an editor at The Envoy Web. Her name translates to smile in English, but she likes shows and films that do anything but make you smile. She believes that analyzing and interpreting the tiny little things on-screen can reveal a story that is not visible to everyone, a story of your own.

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