In Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Cosmos The Movie, Usagi and her friends come up against a new enemy who is after the power of their crystals. The film is streaming on Netflix.
Warning: This article contains heavy spoilers
Plot summary:
Usagi and her friends are enjoying their peaceful lives in high school a few months after defeating the Dead Moon Circus.
Mamoru is leaving to study in America for a year and this makes Usagi very sad. She goes to the airport to bid him farewell and he gives her a ring.
However, a strange figure appears and steals Mamoru’s golden crystal, turning him into dust. Usagi is overwhelmed by what happened and chooses to believe that Mamoru got on the plane.
Chibiusa heads back to the 30th Century to update the King and Queen on everything that happened.
The others are excited about the arrival of the idol group, the ‘Three Lights’. Seiya, Yaten, and Taiki are beloved by all but they also have a secret they are hiding.
During one of their concerts, the guardians are attacked by Sailor Iron Mouse who claims to be a part of the Shadow Galactica and wants to steal their crystals.
She is defeated by a trio of guardians known as the Sailor Starlights appear. The Sailor Guardians are certain that the Three Lights are the Sailor Starlights and that they come from a different star system.
They are unsure of their motivations though, and are weary of their intentions. A child calling herself Chibi-Chibi shows up at Usagi’s home but she doesn’t explain who she is or where she comes from.
Sailor Aluminium Siren attacks Usagi and the Starlights jump to protect her but Jupiter and Mercury have their crystals stolen before Aluminium Siren is defeated.
Usagi remembers what happened with Mamoru and the pain of it is too much to bear for her. The Starlights explain that their princess went missing after Galaxia attacked their planet.
Sailor Galaxia is a guardian who craves power and is after Sailor Moon’s crystal. Venus and Mars are defeated by another Sailor Animamate of Galaxia, Sailor Lead Crow.
Luna, Artemis, and Diana are also attacked by Sailor Tin Nyanko who claims that they are traitors to their planet. She was promised power by Galaxia but she isn’t truly evil.
Chibi-Chibi brings out an incense burner that is later revealed to be Princess Kakyu of the planet Kinmoku where the Starlights come from.
She was saved by Chibi-Chibi and brought there to recover. Galaxia was sent down this evil path after encountering Chaos, the embodiment of evil.
Sailors Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto head to their castles to set up a barrier and protect their system but Galaxia gets to them too.
Saturn rushes to protect Pluto and loses her crystal as well. Kakyu tells Usagi everything she knows about Galaxia and Usagi wants to face her and bring her friends back.
In the 30th Century, Chibiusa worries that something terrible is happening in the past and begs the Neo Queen Serenity to send her back.
She goes back along with the Sailor Quartet to help Sailor Moon. Kakyu guides Sailor Moon, Chibi-Chibi, and the Starlights to Galaxia’s base on the Sagitarrius Star Zero at the center of the galaxy.
They face off against Sailor Guardians Lethe and Mnemosyne, but only Lethe is attacking them. She says that they joined Galaxia reluctantly and it is all Sailor Moon’s fault.
As long as Sailor Moon exists, there will be a war over the power she possesses. Mnemosyne stops Lethe from doing anything drastic and Sailors Pi and Chi show up.
They kill Mnemosyne and Lethe and then defeat the Starlights. Sailor Moon and Kakyu get past them and face the final Animamate, Sailor Heavy Metal Papillion.
Sailor Chibi Moon and the Sailor Quartet arrive in time to defeat her and thank Sailor Moon for guiding them there. She says she didn’t and they all assume it must have been Chibi-Chibi.
The heroes come one step closer to Galaxia’s base when they are met by puppet Eternal Sailor Guardians and Tuxedo Mask.
Sailor Moon doesn’t want to attack her friends, while Chibi-Chibi urges Chibi Moon not to get involved. Sailor Moon eventually accepts that these aren’t her real friends and defeats them.
Galaxia leads Sailor Moon to the Galaxy Cauldron where all life in the Milky Way is born. She pushes Tuxedo Mask the crystals of the other guardians in, erasing them forever.
Chibi Moon also disappears and Sailor Moon feels defeated. Galaxia wants Sailor Moon to be overcome with hate and anger so that she can defeat Chaos, leaving Galaxia as the sole ruler of the universe.
Chaos betrays Galaxia and injures her but Sailor Moon saves her. She has a change of heart right before dying and Sailor Moon is left to fight Chaos by herself.
Chaos explains that all of Sailor Moon’s previous enemies were incarnations of them and they along with Sailor Moon were born from the Cauldron.
Ending explained:
Doing the right thing
Chibi-Chibi asks Sailor Moon to defeat Chaos who has fused with the Cauldron. Sailor Moon is worried that destroying the Cauldron will prevent new life from being born.
Chibi-Chibi justifies that decision by saying that it would avoid future wars and conflicts but before she disappeared, Galaxia says that even if this Cauldron were destroyed, life might find another place to emerge from.
Sailor Moon agrees and says that there has to be another way to deal with this conflict. Chibi Chibi reveals her true form as Sailor Cosmos and helps Sailor Moon.
Changing history
Sailor Moon dives into the Cauldron and calls on the power of her friends to triumph. Chaos is defeated as everything is dissolved in the Cauldron.
The Sailor Quartet shows up after and Sailor Cosmos explains that she comes from a distant future where Chaos turned into Sailor Chaos and began a devastating war.
Sailor Cosmos hoped to guide Sailor Moon to make the right decisions but she is given new hope but Sailor Moon’s actions.
She says that Cauldron has reset and everyone will be returned to where they came from. She sends the quartet back to the 30th century and returns to her time.
Starting anew
Sailor Moon wakes up and is reunited with Mamoru and her friends. She is glad to see them still alive when she is approached by the Guardian Cosmos.
She gives Usagi the option of starting new lives or continuing the ones they are living. Usagi says that she wants to continue living with her friends because she loves them.
She is warned that while Chaos was defeated, they might return one day and Sailor Moon will have to fight them.
Sailor Moon is ready for that when it happens as she is returned to her family once again.
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