Ryan Pavich: Sugar character explained

In Sugar, Ryan Pavich is the son of a politician. Olivia is found at his residence. Cameron Cowperthwaite plays Pavich.

Ryan Pavich is also a client of Byron Stallings, which is how he gets to Olivia. The Cosmopolitan Polyglot Society aliens cannot stand up to Pavich because he knows their secret.

Since Ryan Pavich is the son of the senator, he is powerful. He uses his power to threaten the aliens with exposure.

To protect their presence on the planet, Ruby keeps Sugar from finding more leads in Olivia’s case and away from Stallings, who might lead Sugar to Ryan Pavich.

Ryan Pavich is an absolute monster who loves to torture women. While Ruby continues to keep things from Sugar, Henry tells Sugar why they were protecting Stallings and gives him Ryan’s address, where Olivia could possibly be.

Sugar breaks into Ryan’s residence and gets into a fight with him. Even though Ryan kills himself at the end of their fight, Sugar finds Olivia in Ryan’s basement.

Following Ryan’s death, the other humans who know about the aliens start hunting the aliens down, forcing the aliens to hurry the evacuation process.

Affiliation with Henry

Even after saving Olivia, Sugar doesn’t seem to be satisfied. He doubts whether he is obsessing over the case.

He doesn’t stop investigating and proceeds to listen to Ryan’s recordings. Ryan used to record himself while torturing his victims. Sugar suspects that Ryan wasn’t alone; someone else was with him.

Ryan Pavich: Sugar character explained 1
Ryan records his conversations while torturing his victims

Sugar speaks to Olivia, and she admits that there was someone else. She is sure because she could hear this person writing everything down.

After hearing Ryan’s recordings again and again, Sugar remembers that Henry has used Ryan’s words in the past, suggesting that Henry was working with Ryan.

It is revealed that for Henry, it was an observe and report assignment to sit and see Ryan torture his victims.

Also Read: Byron Stallings: Sugar character explained

Rahul Shinde
Rahul Shinde
Rahul is an editor on The Envoy Web who is working from Mumbai. You will find him obsessing over the genres of horror, thriller, sitcoms, and musicals—a weird combination right there. It's either something spooky or a comfort watch.

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