Rosa Campesino is a medical examiner who gets sucked into the case by Andrew Yancy. Natalie Martinez plays the character.
Rosa Campesino is the medical examiner at the Miami morgue and Andrew has to convince her to take the arm that was found in the waters by the Keys.
The two immediately share a fun rapport but Rosa tells Andrew that there are no missing individuals in her database that the arm could belong to.
Andrew shows up again to discuss the case with her and she seems intrigued by the tan line left on the arm from a watch.
Working the case
Rosa follows up with Andrew’s boss and that gets him in trouble. She goes out for drinks with her sister but cannot take her mind off the watch.
She goes back home to do some research and figures out which watch it is. Rosa then calls Andrew to discuss her findings.
He tells her that he’s mad at her for telling on him and adds that he cannot be working on the case if he wants to be a detective again.
Rosa decides to go to Nick Stripling’s house and ask Eve if the watch is there but she runs into Andrew who is there illegally, looking for evidence.
They find some bone shards that she agrees to analyze and Andrew is excited to investigate this possible murder with her.
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