Netflix’s Princess Switch 3: Romancing the Star is a comedy series that carries forward the tale of doppelgangers, Stacy, Margaret and Fiona on their mission to regain the stolen priceless relic, Star of Peace, loaned to them by the Vatican to honour their Christmas festival.
The plot kicks off with a brief introduction to the lives of royal look-alikes, Stacy and Queen Margaret. Stacy, a baker from Chicago, is married to Prince Edward. Margaret, the crowned Queen of Montenaro, is married to Stacy’s best friend, Kevin. Fiona Pembroke is serving her punishment at St. Michael’s Convent and Orphanage because she committed a huge crime of impersonating Queen Margaret to take over the throne.
Both Stacy and Margaret are organising an International Christmas Festival. The Vatican loaned them the Star of Peace, a priceless Christmas relic belonging to Saint Nicholas to commemorate the occasion. Chaos emerges when the artefact gets stolen from the museum vault in spite of the heavy security.
Guards were drugged by adding the Chloromethazine drug into the ventilation system of the security section. The police informed Interpol about the serious mishap and they were asked to keep their investigation confidential. Being a perfectly executed crime with no leads and proper evidence, it was hard to hunt the culprit.
The aforementioned robbery could bring in defamation for the Queen and ruin the entire Christmas festival. The brimming anxiety prompted Stacy to come up with the idea of finding someone with a similar criminal mindset to speed up the recovery. Margaret ensures that her cousin, Fiona, will be perfect for the role and immediately leaves for the orphanage to bring back Fiona.
Fiona is introduced sweeping the floors of the orphanage wearing branded high heels, a luxurious corset belt on her uniform, clad with heavy makeup and expensive jewellery. Exhausted by her tantrums, the Head of the Orphanage permits her to leave with Margaret on the excuse of spending the Christmas holidays at the palace.
Will Fiona, a certified fraud after her past endeavours help her cousin Margaret to retrieve the stolen piece? Or she would just use Margaret’s trust in her to run away?
Princess Switch 3 ending explained in Detail:
Fiona, the leading lady
Margaret’s attestation was a major breakthrough as Fiona had an unintentional association with both the rescuer and the villain. Reggie and Mindy, who previously assisted Fiona, were also taken out of jail as per Fiona’s demands. Fiona arrives at the palace with her brazen and flirtatious behaviour intact, raising a few eyebrows.
Fiona is all ready to help Margaret as she repents her previous acts. She immediately focuses on the assigned job. She meets her childhood friend and ex-lover, Peter Maxwell and asks for his help. Peter Maxwell, an ex-Interpol employee, is already aware of the mishap and takes up the job.
He had analysed the case beforehand after looking into Interpol’s investigation files by hacking into their security. Peter points out that Interpol might have narrowed down to the only Asian distributor who controls the black market supply of Chloromethazine drug. But his thorough analysis has uncovered another infamous pharmacist based in Geneva.
The footage from the CCTVs’ lining the port reveals a purchase between the pharmacist and Itai Krauss, an associate of the famous hotel chain tycoon, Hunter Cunard. Hunter Cunard feeds a crazy obsession by collecting priceless artefacts that are not up for sale.
Fiona turns down Margaret’s proposition to share the information with the police when Peter explains that Hunter has planted his men everywhere and the Star can disappear forever due to a foolish mistake. Hunter, being Fiona’s ex-lover, the clan decides on stealing the Star back by putting Fiona in charge.
The best time to retrieve the artefact would be the grand Christmas exhibition at Hunter’s place. Fiona manages to seize an invitation by a pre-planned encounter with the aid of Peter, hacking into Hunter’s itinerary.
Hunter Cunard, still under the spell of Fiona’s charm is easily duped. Peter devises the whole plan and the group prepares for the big day.
The perfect switch
While preparing to pass through the high security to get to the protected Star, Fiona’s friend, Reggie breaks his leg. Now, the only person with extraordinary skills to sneak in is Fiona.
Fiona’s former job was to keep Hunter engaged. Hence, someone was needed to fill her position. Fiona’s lookalike, Queen Margaret, perfectly impersonated Fiona which left everyone in awe. Everyone assigned with their specific jobs departed for the exhibition at Hunter’s place.
Following their departure, Stacy receives a call from the Orphanage asking her to quickly send Fiona back as the disciplinary bench who would review her actions had preponed their visit. The sudden emergency urged Stacy to disguise as Fiona and depart for the Orphanage to ensure success on either side.
Crooks turn into heroes
While Fiona, Peter and Mindy sneak into Hunter’s house through the terrace, Margaret disguised as Fiona captivates Hunter with her charm. Mindy hacks into the surveillance system and Peter and Fiona march swiftly to collect the Star.
Everything was going smooth but Peter was unaware of the Star being placed on a weight-specific structure. The Star on being picked triggered a temporary alarm and the noobs panicked.
While Fiona managed to shut down the alarm with her quick wit, Reggie, seated outside in the van commanded Mindy to abort the mission. The robbery is now caught on the surveillance because of the absence of a hack.
Peter asks Fiona to take the Star with her and leave while he waits to distract Hunter’s guards. Fiona and Margaret both safely flee the palace with the gang while Peter stays back.
Fiona is utterly disgusted to have trusted Peter when she sees Peter had swapped the bag containing the Star. Everybody consoles Fiona. They talk about how Peter used everybody to actually steal the relic himself, recollecting the incident of diamond theft Peter was previously involved in.
Throughout the story, it is shown how Fiona fakes a heartless exterior but actually cares for her close people. This is because of the trauma she faced as a child when her mother left her at a boarding school and avoided all forms of contact with her. It is revealed that Peter actually staged the whole thing to urge Fiona to meet her mother who has been desperately waiting to meet her.
After ages, Fiona finally decides to meet her mother and they resolve their difference. Fiona brings back The Star of Peace and everyone enjoys the Christmas festival. Fiona and Peter become a couple after Fiona expresses her true love for him.