Season 2 of Outer Range follows Royal Abbott and his family as the mysteries of the hole are slowly unraveled. The series is streaming on Prime Video.
Warning: This article contains heavy spoilers
Plot summary:
Royal tells Cecelia that Autumn is Amy, but Cecelia is too distraught about losing her family to believe what he’s saying.
Billy makes it to the hospital as Wayne Tillerson is healthy again thanks to the mineral. Luke had visions of the future and that drives his decisions going forward.
Rhett and Maria are on their way to start a new life but Rhett finds out that Amy went missing and decides to stay back a little longer.
Perry wakes up on the Abbott land in the past, in a time before his parents were married. He asks them for a job as a ranch hand but they say they are not hiring.
Joy finds herself in 1882 and before she can make sense of what is happening, she is surrounded by Shoshone warriors.
She talks to them in her native tongue and buys herself some time. Another woman named Falling Star asks her when she is from, and reveals that she is also a time traveler.
Cecelia finds out that Amy was taken by Rebecca so she visits the man she was cheating with, Lewis. He doesn’t reveal Rebecca’s location so Cecelia heads back home.
Royal meets Dr. Nia Bintu and tells her to stay away from their land after she gets her hands on some of the minerals to test it.
She says that science will catch up to him and someone will be there to research what is under their west pasture.
Royal and Cecelia share their respective secrets, as Royal tells her that he was born in the 1800s and she tells him that she caught Rebecca cheating and threatened her before she left.
They are called into court for Perry’s bail hearing but the judge doesn’t buy their excuse about Perry’s disappearance and gives them two days to come up with the money.
Wayne Tillerson has the judge in his pocket and is itching to get the land. Billy wakes up and tells his family that Royal was the one who shot him.
He is taken home and Wayne tells Luke to take care of him. Luke is more interested in helping his father get the Abbott Ranch but his requests are brushed aside.
Perry reveals who he is and how he arrived there to the younger Royal and gets a temporary job on the ranch.
There he finds out that Cecelia used to date Wayne and Royal was with Cecelia’s sister. Perry finds Wayne making out with someone else at the bar and breaks his nose.
When Cecelia scolds him for it, he tells her what Wayne was doing. Joy spends four years with Shoshone and becomes close to Falling Star.
Levi Sumner treats his family very harshly, especially Royal. When Joy gets into trouble with some of the settlers, Levi is called in for his tracking skills.
He and Royal find Joy with a wounded leg, but when Levi orders Royal to kill Joy, he kills Levi instead.
He then runs into the hole just like he remembered, and Joy falls in after him and comes out in the present day.
Royal finds her and rushes her to the reservation territory to be taken care of. Luke starts talking to Autumn because he sees them side by side in front of her followers in the future.
He takes Billy’s remaining mineral and gives it to Autumn, and when she ingests it, she remembers that she is Amy.
Nia approaches Rhett about getting access to the western pasture and whatever is under there. He says that he will not go against his father.
The people of the community help Cecelia and Royal by paying off their bail, and Wayne is angered by that.
Amy and Rebecca head to a women’s shelter and Royal and Cecelia rush there after finding out about it.
Joy struggles in the present because there is so much that she went through in the past that she doesn’t have anyone to talk to except Royal.
Wayne takes some of the mineral and goes into the mind of his past self where he sees Perry.
Luke and Billy get into a fight after Luke tells Billy that he’s the one destined to be with Autumn.
Luke ends up killing his brother and then heads out with Autumn to the women’s shelter to get Amy.
Ending explained:
Changing history
When the hole opens up, Perry gets an aching sound in his ears and Royal tells him that the hole has returned.
They go there and Perry contemplates whether he should jump in or not. Royal tells him that he shouldn’t mess with the past and pushes him in.
He comes out on the night that he killed Trevor and rushes to the bar where the fight happened.
Trevor is fighting another Perry and Future Perry calls out to him. This time Trevor kills the original Perry and runs away.
Future Perry takes his body to the hole and dumps it in, then goes back home to get another chance at his life.
Chasing her destiny
Autumn reaches the shelter first and convinces Rebecca to let her take Amy after threatening her with the truth.
She tells Amy that she is taking her back to her grandparents but she has other plans. Royal and Cecelia reach afterward and realize that Autumn has Amy.
They tell her not to do anything rash but Autumn is convinced that certain things need to happen for her to be set on her path.
Royal calls Joy and tells her that Autumn is going to try and throw Amy into the hole. Joy waits there to stop them.
She knocks out Luke but Autumn holds a gun to Amy’s head. Joy shoots Amy and Autumn falls into the hole.
The future is coming
Amy wakes up in the middle of nowhere and a couple finds her. When they ask her name, she says that it might be Autumn.
The older Autumn is in the hospital under surgery after getting shot but she somehow survives.
When Amy falls into the hole, Royal has a seizure and Cecelia rushes him to the hospital. He eventually wakes up and tells his wife that everything will be okay.
Wayne goes crazy and starts rambling after finding Billy’s body. He burns his house down before jumping into the hole.
Rhett tells Nia that he’s willing to convince his father to let the scientists research the land if she pays him regularly.
She has no choice but to agree to his demand.
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