Nocturna or Natalia Knight is a young girl who comes up against Batman. Mckenna Grace voices the character.
Harvey Dent hosts a fair as a fundraiser for his mayoral campaign and the circus is part of it.
The night before, two children named Dicky and Jason sneak in after being egged on by a girl named Natalia.
Dicky disappears and Jason has no clue where he went. The next day, several children including Jason attend the fair as guests.
Bruce Wayne is also one of the guests, and he is in the audience for Dr. Anton Knight’s demonstration.
An inside job
He claims to have a device that can multiply the strength of an individual and asks for a volunteer.
He picks Natalia, who goes into his machine and can lift heavy objects once she comes out.
Natalia is actually the doctor’s sister, and she has special abilities. She can drain the life force of a person and this makes her stronger.
She kidnaps Dicky, and later kidnaps Jason after he asks her where his friend is. Her brother tells her that she cannot keep taking children but Natalia is unmoved.
Another girl named Stephanie goes missing, and Bruce decides to investigate. Natalia lured her in and drained her energy too.
She then argues with Anton and knocks him against the wall before going out for her next target.
Finally thwarted
Batman finds Anton close to his end and he says that his sister doesn’t mean to harm anyone, she just gets overwhelmed by her hunger.
He adds that she needs to get inside before sunrise or she will cease to exist. Natalia finds a young girl named Carrie playing with a slingshot in the woods.
Carrie realizes that Natalia is the one kidnapping the children and runs away from her. Batman arrives and tries to stop Natalia but he doesn’t want to hurt her.
He tells her that her brother is dead, and Natalia is heartbroken that she killed her brother by mistake.
He captures her with some help from Carrie and takes her to the hospital before she is hurt by the sunlight.
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