Miraç, a basilisk weary of his circumstances, sides with Lilith. In Shahmaran, Ekin Gökgöz plays Miraç.
Basilisks live alongside humans, but most of them are trapped in poverty. They exist on the margins of society and struggle to make ends meet.
Many of them have grown tired of waiting for their savior, Shahmaran, and no longer place their hopes in her. Instead, they now side with Lilith.
Miraç is one such basilisk. His son died while working in a factory to help repay his father’s debts. Unaware that his son was working instead of attending school, Miraç blamed himself for his death.
After losing several of his loved ones, Miraç eagerly anticipates Lilith’s inevitable rise, believing that her hatred of humans will lead to humanity’s downfall and the rise of basilisks.
Disappointment in Lilith
Before Lilith’s return, Miraç tries and fails to kill Şahsu, the woman in whose body Shahmaran will be reborn, as Shahmaran is the only one who can defeat Lilith.
Miraç is then tasked with targeting Davut. Since Davut cannot die, Miraç repeatedly stabs him to death, eventually abandoning him when his efforts fail.
When Lilith returns, Miraç celebrates and swears loyalty to her. However, contrary to his hopes, Lilith does not immediately begin improving the conditions of basilisks.
This frustrates Miraç, who yearns for power and wants to launch an immediate attack on humans. When he protests, Lilith does not take kindly to his defiance and puts him in his place.
Miraç is further disappointed when Lilith starts exploring the human world instead of working for the betterment of basilisks.
Realizing that he and others like him have waited in vain for Lilith, Miraç questions her actions, only to be mortally wounded by her in response.
He is left to die, but he is found by Maran and Şahsu. Even though he tells Şahsu how he killed Davut, Şahsu overcomes her anger and hatred to heal him and passes the first trial.
Despite her help, Miraç is unwilling to switch sides. He decides that he will no longer believe in any savior; he and other basilisks like him must depend on themselves.
Miraç’s disillusionment
Miraç seeks Maran’s help to kill Mesut Gürmak, a man who exploits his workers, most of whom are basilisks. In exchange, Miraç promises to rally the factory workers to Maran’s cause.
However, Maran refuses, and it is Lilith who brings Mesut Gürmak to Miraç and the workers, giving them the freedom to decide his punishment.
Miraç attempts to kill Mesut Gürmak by strapping him with a bomb, but Maran intervenes to protect the Basilisk District and disposes of the bomb.
Realizing how dangerous Miraç can be, Maran takes him captive and refuses to release him due to his unwillingness to live peacefully with humans.
Miraç ultimately realizes that, regardless of whom they side with, basilisks will suffer in this war between the sisters. He is disillusioned and no longer cares about either sister.
Mesut Gürmak eventually finds and kidnaps Miraç. He tries to get him to reveal information about Shahmaran, but even when he is in danger, Miraç refuses to betray his kind.
However, Miraç never sees the change he hoped and fought for in the lives of basilisks, as he is ultimately killed by Mesut Gürmak for refusing to help him.
Also Read: Mesut Gürmak: Shahmaran season 2 character explained