In the second season of Shahmaran, Mesut Gürmak, played by Ümit Çırak, is the modern-day counterpart of the Sultan and the Vizier who killed Shahmaran.
Mesut Gürmak is a factory owner who exploits his workers, most of whom are basilisks. He gets away with his crimes every single time.
His workers are not provided with a safe working environment, and when they get injured or die due to his negligence, Mesut claims their deaths as accidents and does not pay damages.
A beneficial kidnapping
Miraç and other basilisk factory workers want to make Mesut pay for his crimes, especially as poor basilisks continue to die in his factories.
They can no longer bear the fact that Mesut enjoys success and a luxurious life built on the exploitation and deaths of powerless basilisks.
When Maran refuses to kill Mesut, Miraç and the others decide to take matters into their own hands. However, before they can act, Lilith has Mesut kidnapped.
Lilith is well aware that Mesut believes himself to be invincible because of his power and wealth. While he can evade the law, he cannot protect himself from basilisks like Lilith.
On Lilith’s orders, Abra and Cihan kidnap him. Under Abra’s control, Mesut is unaware of his own actions or surroundings and mindlessly follows her orders.
The workers decide to strap him with a bomb and send him to his family, intending to kill them all. However, Maran opposes this bloodshed and intervenes.
He disposes of the bomb, snapping Mesut out of Abra’s control. Mesut then witnesses Şahsu using her powers to protect people from harm.
Mesut escapes without facing the consequences of his actions. In fact, the kidnapping benefits him, as he now knows that the myth of Shahmaran is real.
Playing the role of Shamaran’s killer
Apart from being used as a tool by Lilith to garner the basilisks’ support, Mesut plays a larger role in the story of Şahsu and Shahmaran.
Mesut is sick and seeking a cure for his illness, just like the Sultan did in the past. The tail of Shahmaran can cure him, and now that he knows it truly exists, he is determined to find Shahmaran.
He kidnaps Miraç and questions him, but Miraç refuses to reveal Shahmaran’s whereabouts, unwilling to change the balance of things.
Mesut’s men then find Maran, and as Miraç is of no further use to Mesut, he does not hesitate to kill him. By following Maran, Mesut eventually finds Shahmaran’s garden.
His men subdue Maran, and Mesut uses the same axe that was used to kill Shahmaran in the past to kill her once again, playing the role of the Sultan’s Vizier.
Also Read: The cycle in Shahmaran season 2 explained