Marta: Muted character explained

In Muted, Marta is one of the admirers of Sergio Ciscar. In hopes of helping him, she agrees to work with Ana to get him to open up. Cristina Kovani plays Marta.

Before Sergio apparently killed his own parents, Marta used to teach piano to his adopted little sister, Noa. She is one of the first people Sergio contacts after being released from prison, as he believes she can get him to Noa.

Marta doesn’t feel hesitant about reconnecting with a criminal. In fact, Ana notices that Marta shares a special bond with Sergio that can help them get Sergio to open up.

Marta’s relationship with Sergio

After Sergio got arrested, Marta was one of those who tried to connect with him inside prison. She used to write letters to him, which most of his fans did, but unlike them, she visited him in the detention center more than once. She even got a private visit.

According to Ana, Marta suffers from hybristophilia, where a person feels attracted to criminals, murderers, and abusers. In Marta’s case, it is more of a passive hybristophilia.

Marta feels she can rescue Sergio from his life by giving him love and company. The situation was under control when he was in prison. Now that he is free, everything has changed.

Marta: Muted character explained 1
Sergio comforts Marta

Ana convinces Marta that they are trying to help Sergio too, and she agrees to cooperate with them.

Ana’s tasks aside, the more Marta gets close to Sergio, the more her attraction and love for him grows. On Sergio’s side, as Ana says, he probably forms this connection with Marta only because he needs her, which turns out to be true.

During the finale, after finishing things with Eneko, Marta returns to Sergio. At that time, all he cares about is Noa, who isn’t allowed to meet him. This sees Marta walking out of Sergio’s life.

Marta’s relationship with Eneko

Marta and Sergio’s closeness affects the relationship the former has with her boyfriend, Eneko. Although she loves Eneko and has plans to move in with him, she starts having feelings for Sergio because Eneko himself has made grave mistakes in the past.

Eneko cheated on Marta with her friend, and that event still stays with Marta. Throughout the show, Eneko opts to use extreme measures to win Marta back. Marta is ridiculed among her friends and family when a friend of Eneko leaks the news that she is dating a killer.

Later, a sex tape of hers goes viral, which she initially thinks is Sergio’s work. Sergio also accidentally attacks her father, Juanma, when he comes to confront him.

At times like these, Eneko acts like a good boyfriend and comes to Juanma’s aid. He gives Marta all the reasons to think that he is the right choice. He even shows her the flat they can move into.

Marta’s parents, Juanma and Rosa, think Eneko is the right person. Marta does think likewise until she finds her sex tape on Eneko’s phone. It turns out that he recorded them getting intimate and uploaded this video online. Everyone saw this video and thought she is with Sergio.

Marta realizes the kind of person Eneko is, and during the finale, when he asks whether they should start over, she decides to say no to him.

Also Read: Noa: Muted character explained

Rahul Shinde
Rahul Shinde
Rahul is an editor on The Envoy Web who is working from Mumbai. You will find him obsessing over the genres of horror, thriller, sitcoms, and musicals—a weird combination right there. It's either something spooky or a comfort watch.

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