Bujang, played by Yudi Ahmad Tajudin, is revealed to be the perpetrator behind the serial murders in Borderless Fog.
Bujang, an Indonesian citizen, comes from the Dayak community on Borneo Island. He guards the area near his palm plantation, as there is a security guard post there.
Bujang is often on night guard duty. On the night Juwing’s body and Thoriq’s head were discovered, his companion was drunk, so he was patrolling the area alone.
Deceptive appearances
When Sanja, who is investigating Juwing and Thoriq’s murders, meets Bujang, he tells her about the ghost of Ambong, a Paraku leader who escaped the military in the past.
Ambong’s ghost is said to hide in the forest even today. Bujang seems to be a superstitious man, as he is one of the people who claim to hear the ghost’s whispers.
He later informs Sanja that Juwing and Thoriq were killed by different people, which turns out to be true. He claims that the ghost of Ambong gave him this information.
He also hears other voices coming from the nearby factory that was never opened; he believes that these are the voices of the children killed by the communists.
Bujang is willing to help Sanja in any way possible. He comes across as friendly, offering gestures like administering herbal medicine to Sanja for her eyes.
When Sanja fights with a masked Panca and is locked up in the factory, Bujang hears her cries for help and informs Thomas, who saves Sanja.
As Bujang has been nothing but helpful and good to Sanja, she never once suspects him of being the murderer she is looking for. Meanwhile, more and more bodies keep turning up.
Bujang’s motives
Mr. Agam, a local crime lord, had asked Thoriq, a corrupt military officer, to kill Asraf, a Dayak man who stole from him. Then, Juwing, a Dayak activist, was also murdered.
Bujang has always seen the people of his community struggle to survive. Their repression and suffering troubled him, but he lacked the courage to do anything about it.
In the end, it is the children who suffer the consequences. As their parents struggle to make ends meet, they are made to get jobs at a young age or are sold to traffickers.
Juwing and Asraf’s deaths were the last straw. They gave Bujang the courage to kill those involved in the trafficking of Dayak children.
Bujang himself never wanted the attention; he killed all those people to draw attention to the issues that his community faces.
During the communist uprising, Bujang worked as the pathfinder for the military. He knows the area well enough to behead his victims in the middle of the night without leaving behind evidence.
Eventually, after Thomas is killed, Bujang kidnaps Sanja and takes her to the factory. Sanja realizes that the killer has been Bujang all along.
However, she fails to catch him, as he takes advantage of the fog in the forest and escapes, but not before beheading Panca right in front of Sanja.
Bujang does not kill Sanja, unwilling to fight her. His parting advice to her is to decide what she chooses to see, leading to Sanja not reporting the truth about Panca’s illegal activities and death to keep Thomas’ name clean.
Later, Bujang is found beheaded in the same manner as his victims. The identity of his murderer, whether human or supernatural, remains unknown.
Also Read: Borderless Fog summary and ending explained