Anna Fletcher is a woman who turns to Mike to get justice for her son. Paula Malcolmson plays the character.
Anna Fletcher visits Mike McLusky and tells him that her son was killed and the man who killed him is now being let out of prison.
Mike admits that the man served his time so he is eligible to get out and Mike cannot do much about that.
She asks if something could make the parole board reconsider the decision. She says the man’s name is Greg Stewart, who is in Stonebrook.
Mike says he will reach out to his contacts and find out the situation but doesn’t promise anything.
A mother’s grief
Anna drops by Mike’s office once again to ask about his mother because Mariam went through something similar when Mitch was killed.
Mike says that they killed the guy immediately and Anna remarks that they were lucky in that aspect.
She visits him one last time on the day Greg is released. Mike says that he contacted StoneBrook and learned that Greg was a model prisoner who did everything right inside.
Anna thanks him for his time and pays him even though he says there is no need. She then follows Greg and kills him with a gun to get revenge for her son.
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